Making service call in Angular

Hi  everyone .

This article is about handling network calls in angular , how to get get response and how to handle error.

If you don't have angular cli installed , you can create an angular project using code sand box.

To handle any service call , you have to import HttpClientModule.

Before making an service call , we should have an api ready . In this article we will be using a public api that gives us questions for quiz. "

we will be using this api link to make service call.

understanding api call

Now that we are ready with httpModule and api link , we should inject http in our component file.

constructor(private http: HttpClient) {

Now we can make a get request on this api , that will give us quiz data

ngOnInit() {
res => {
console.log("data:", res);
err => {
console.log("error:", err);

http returns an observable that can be subscribe to get response from api.

Subscribe has two parameters ,
  -> first one is for response from api call , which in this case is written as res.
  -> second parameter is for error , if any error occurs while making a service call , it can be handled here.


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